Feel good in YHH!

At YHH we work with the “plant-rich approach”, short PRA. I want to emphasize rich here! The more colorful [y]our plates, the better. PRA serves as a guideline without providing any strict rules and restrictions.

In our sessions, we’ll look at all the different and individual pillars that matter to YOU. Together we’ll explore [Y]OUR HEALTH HOUSE and find the way that nourishes it best.

Depending on your needs that includes: 

  • [y]our food and nutrients 
  • [y]our eating habits and where they stem from 
  • [y]our connection of gut, brain, and immune system 
  • [y]our gut health & how [y]our gut communicates 
  • [y]our metabolism 
  • [y]our menstrual cycle  
  • and much more
eating healthy

Single Session

monthly nutrition coaching
    • you’re still unsure about our monthly programs

    • there is only one specific topic you’d like to talk about

    Sustainable change is a gradual process that requires time and patience.

    That’s why we recommend our Monthly Programs!

  • 90 minutes


1 Month Program

    • you have already developed a sense of awareness of [Y]OUR HEALTH HOUSE

    • you can identify the areas of improvement but require guidance on how to do so

    One month might seem like a long time, but when it comes to making positive changes in your life, it's just a brief moment. That's why we believe that you'll benefit the most from our one-month coaching program if you have some prior knowledge of the topics we cover.

    However, it's important to note that this program is still accessible and beneficial for everyone, regardless of their level of experience

  • weekly calls a 90 minutes


3 Month Program

nutrition coaching for companies
    • you are ready to learn, explore, and improve [Y]OUR HEALTH HOUSE

    • you want to make a change and you believe in your ability to do so

    • you don't know where to start, but you are eager to begin!

    Over these 3 months, we will have bi-weekly phone calls. On the off weeks, I will send you study materials and check in with you via WhatsApp.

    It's important to note that you don't have to go through the materials I provide, but it is recommended as part of the program.

    I understand that it can be overwhelming for some people, and it might prevent them from reaching their full potential.

    So, if you prefer, you can switch to weekly phone calls only!!

  • bi-weekly calls a 90 min

    bi-weekly work sheets PDFs, charts, for self-study & deeper information

    bi-weekly WhatsApp check-ins


    weekly calls a 75-90 min



  • You are a corporate or an institution? Maybe you are working in a school or Kindergarten? Do you think the Canteen of your workspace could need an upgrade?- YHH is here for you too!

    I provide group sessions, talks, and workshops, individually adapted to the needs of your employees or kids! Please get in touch, we would love to come up with something great for you!

    If you are a health business owner yourself and you have a fun idea to collaborate, I’m always down for a project together!

  • Depends on your needs. Please contact us for a customized quote.

The key principle of YHH's philosophy is an individual approach to health! I won’t hand you a 10-step list of “how to become healthier”. But I promise, I will find as many steps as you need, together with you, to help you make healthier choices day by day for the rest of your life.

Schedule [Y]OUR FREE 30-minute “get-to-know-each-other” NOW!