I’m glad you’re here!

Hi, my name is Miriam.

Food has always been one of my pleasures. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a household where food quality and a freshly cooked meal a day were a big priority. My whole family likes to cook, eat and first and foremost enjoy food! 

With these requirements, it was surprising that I developed food sensitivities and a variety of different symptoms at quite a young age. It took me years to realize that it has always been my gut trying to communicate. That understanding was the start of my journey. I then began to experiment with my diet. Not only regarding the food I ate but also when I ate, how much time I spent eating, and so much more.

During my training to become a nutritionist I then gained knowledge about the connection between the brain, gut, and immune system. I delved deep into other topics like nutrients and their functions, our metabolism, movement, stress management, a women’s cycle… only to name a few. I started seeing the bigger picture of our health, food, and eating habits.

The idea of YHH started simultaneously. I couldn’t identify with any movement, any label, or “way of eating” that was out there. It was hard to find help that didn’t try to put me in a box or tell me what I was allowed to eat or not, and why that was so.

When it comes to our diet all the boxes and labels can lead to a lot of stress and frustration. In the long term, it isn’t sustainable for our health to try and follow that protocol of the box instead of our own, imprinted one.

That’s what we do at YHH.

We find [y]our manual for [y]our body and [y]our individual needs!

YHH is a place with no labels.

We eat what makes us feel healthy: physically, mentally, and emotionally!

In doing so our main priorities are pleasure, accessibility, and joy. We’ll work on creating and/or deepening a healthy relationship with food by strengthening your confidence and knowledge about your own body and the choices you make regarding your diet. It won’t always be easy and it won’t be effortless. Commitment is necessary as always when it comes to change. The wonderful thing is, you don’t need to do it alone cause I’m by your side!   

I can’t wait to get to know you and delve deep into [Y]OUR HEALTH HOUSE together.

Schedule [Y]OUR FREE 30-minute “get-to-know-each-other” NOW!

nutrition coaching
Health Coaching
nutrition coach
healthy nutrition