conscious and intuitive eating 

plant-rich-approach (PRA)

without restrictions, labels, or calorie counting!

Hi, my name is Miriam!

A Nutrition Coach or Consultant looking friendly and smiling while doing work on laptop with fresh, colorful vegetables in the background.

I’m glad you’re here!

I am the founder of Your Health House, a certified nutritionist, and a big lover of food!

The idea of YHH came simultaneously with my own journey to a diet that not only tastes good, but also supports my body in the best way possible and makes me feel good. I couldn’t identify with any movement, any label, or “way of eating” that was out there. It was hard to find help that didn’t try to put me in a box. Nothing aligned with me. I wanted to find the answers by myself instead.

So I immersed myself deeply in the matter. First, I experimented with my diet for years, researched, and tried to get different perspectives and opinions. Moving on to becoming a certified nutritionist myself, focusing on a plant-rich diet, immersing even deeper in the matter of our gut. 

And finally, YHH is born.

A place where there are no labels!

We eat what makes us feel healthy: physically, mentally, and emotionally.

I’d love to help you on your journey to a healthy relationship with food! 

At YHH we work with the “plant-rich approach”, short PRA. I want to emphasize rich here! The more colorful [y]our plates, the better. PRA serves as a guideline without providing any strict rules and restrictions. Within this approach, we help you regain your power and intuition regarding food and eating habits. We look deep at different and individual pillars that matter to you and find solutions together. While we mainly focus on your diet and eating habits, it is just as important to nourish [y]our house from all angles. Movement, an understanding of how to relax the mind and body, sleep, and mindfulness are as important.

The key principle of YHH's philosophy is an individual approach to health!


Schedule [Y]OUR FREE 30-minute “get-to-know-each-other” NOW!


Are you curious about working with me but need to know something before you feel comfortable to commit?- I get it! 

Whatever it is you are wondering, send it my way :)